[ 01296 655953 email me |
Have you just completed or are you perhaps contemplating a hunt in Africa or some other far-off destination or was this the year when you finally grassed that buck of a lifetime? Should you therefore be considering where you might send your prized trophies, then why not put them in the hands of a taxidermist who is also a keen stalker and whose life has been devoted to the setting up of game trophies?
My career started with Rowland Wards' at the age of 16 and I stayed with them for many years during which time I was lucky enough to go to Kenya on one of the last hunting safaris to that country. From Wards I moved to South Africa where I worked for Nico van Rooyen Taxidermy and also for Rowland Ward Publications in an editorial capacity. I am a member of the Guild of Taxidermists and I was a founder member of the Taxidermy Association of South Africa.
I still mount trophies for my own collection and I devote no less time and effort to those of my clients to ensure that I produce the very best work.
I am a fervent believer in hunting as a conservation tool and particularly in Africa. We had a saying there - "If it pays it stays". When I first hunted in South Africa in the '70s there were two hunting companies of any import - today they are legion as is the game which they hunt.
I am based in Buckinghamshire where I was born and grew up and I may be contacted on 01296 655953, 07799 171825 or will@willmathewstaxidermy.co.uk.